First Ramadhan as a Married Couple

On Friday went back to Muar as its been long time back to my wife hometown....and it was announce that Saturday will be the first day of Ramadhan....this year will be or first year fasting as a married couple...

It was an exciting moment to be fasting as a married couple...we eating 'sahur' together and went for bazaar ramadhan looking for dishes for our break fast...

To all muslim Happy celebrating Ramadhan lets together improve ourselves for a better muslim....


Ihsan Khairir said...

I went back to Muar last saturday as well =)

My kampung is in Jalan Salleh, on the way to Bukit Pasir and Pagoh.

Ramadhaan Kareem to you and your family =) said...

Ramadhaan Kareem to you and your family!!

Ken Wooi said...

sweet! =)

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