Blog Akak
Lame tak update,skang ni tgh kumpul duit nak beli kamera baru...kamera sekarang gambar dah teruk sikit...qashrina masih lagi membesar..
Hari nak promote blog akak membantu mane yang patut,akak ni dari dulu memang suka memasak dan sekarang ni concentrate on cakes,her speciality now..
Sebelum ni buat part time je and now full saja membantu kakak yang tercinta..kalo ikut selama fadli makan kek or kuih yang akak buat memang sedap la...tapi lain orang lain citarasa ni tunjuk skit screen shot blog akak fadli,,sape yang berminat klik la dekat blog list tu title From Mie and Ilin's Kitchen...
Posted at 7:13 PM | Labels: blog, cake, pastry, promosi | 2 Comments
Dah 4 Bulan
Sekejap je rasanya,rupa-rupanya dah 4 bulan dah Qashrina hadir dalam hidup kami,menyerikan kehidupan keluarga kami...
Akalnya semakin hari semakin bijak, ada saje kerenah dan benda baru yang ditonjolkan, sekarang ni kalo 'cak' sahaja dah tersenyum kalo bernasib baik dengan gelak tawanya yang menghiburkan hati ini
Agaknya aper lagi keletah yang akan ditonjolkan...
Duhai puteri Nur Qashrina Adani penyeri and sinar bagi masjid yang kami bina...
Posted at 5:59 PM | Labels: anak, baby, perkembangan | 0 Comments
Berguling pertama Kalinya
2 minggu lepas Qashrina akhirnya berjaya berguling sendiri walaupun hanya baru 3 bulan setengah...suatu pencapaian yang amat membanggakan bagi kami....
Sekarang ni dah tidak boleh tinggalkan Qashrina begitu saja...terlepas pandang sikit dah meniarap...
Agaknya lepas ni apa lagi benda baru yang dipelajari...
Posted at 7:42 AM | Labels: anak, baby, pembelajaran, perkembangan | 0 Comments
Sedang Membesar
Qashrina dah 3 bulan rupanya...tak sangka sekejap je rasanya...skang ni dah pandai berborak,senyum pun dah lebar..rajin berkerut kening tak apalah yang difikirkan anak daraku ni...Alhamdulillah buat masa ni semuanya ok..
Buat masa ni gambar susah skit nak upload camera punya kabel yang leh sambung kat pc dah takde tgh simpan duit nak beli kamera baru....
Mulai skang blog ni akan menggunakan bahasa melayu sebelum pakai english bukan apa sebab google ads tapi dek kena banned so leh la pakai bahasa melayu..
Ok la buat masa ni..Insyaallah nanti upload gambar
Posted at 2:11 AM | Labels: anak, cerita, perkembangan | 0 Comments
Second Shot
Today my wife and daughter had an appointment with their respective doctor monthly check ups and follow up. While my wife went to meet with her doctor, mua..accompany our lovely daughter to meet with her doctor.
Today my daughter had her immune second shot she cried for a while but stop after i held and calm her. She's strong as her mother. Well next month will have another visit with both doctors.
Just for information finally we manage to be in the new DEMC (Darul Ehsan Medical Centre) building nice environments and settings.
Only another 2 years can try the new room. How will the room rate be its the same or difference..a mystery to be solve...nah!! it easy just need to get the info from the hospitals actually not a mystery at all..just kidding.
Posted at 7:29 AM | Labels: latest, news, updates | 1 Comments
Another 1 day
My daughter is growing day by day,she's getting smarter as the day pass by.....tomorrow she will be 2 months old...she's cuter now...
Posted at 7:34 PM | Labels: daugther, growing, pictures | 0 Comments
She's Growing
Just got back from Muar visiting my beloved wife and beautiful daughter...she's now very cute and growing,today in the morning the district nurse come to do the usual check up and today was the day where the nurse check her weight...
Alhamdulillah she gaining weight a good sign i pressume....her weight now 3.6kg a 0.4kg from previous weight check....
Already missing both of my love......
Posted at 6:57 AM | Labels: baby, daughter, growing, progress | 0 Comments
Learning to be A Father
Last week sent my wife to her hometown in Muar for her confinement..stay there for almost a week. During the whole week i started learning a few thing like changing diapers and make my daughter milk.
Now i know how hard my mom and dad raised me, as i already experience it on my own. I will do my best to be the best father i can be. This just the beginning there are more obstacles that me and wife will face in giving the best care we can to our daughter.
Posted at 11:21 PM | Labels: confinement, experience, hometown | 1 Comments
Finally Our Life Complete
After a year of marriage today 29th April is the date in our history as a married couple...we received new member in our family...a lovely and cute daughter Nur Qashrina Adani....Today we embraced and celebrated with her birth into this world..
Both of us will do our best to ensure she received the best cared and loving through out her life....well what for her picture...just want to share the joy that both of us are feeling now...
Posted at 7:26 AM | Labels: baby, birth, born | 3 Comments
Counting Days
My heart is pounding very fast...every day day currently we are counting days for the 20th April we are to be ready and expected the sign of delivery is on the way...
Last check up Dr.Norleen had checked the passage and 1cm already open..the current weight of the baby based on data collected during scan is about 2.9kg...Hopefully when the days come it will be a joyful day for us as we welcome a new members in our accompany..
Hope the baby will be in good condition with the willing of Allah s.w.t
Posted at 9:28 PM | Labels: big day, counting, delivery | 2 Comments
Nearing and Final
Its nearing and i'm getting a bit nervous,anyway already started weekly check up with doctor and will be starting to do STG to monitored the baby heart beat and also contractions....
Last 2 week manage to do last shopping bought a BP and car seats..for BP bought Madeala for now manual only...previous post showed that we planning to bought a Ferrari car seat but after discussions and review we decided to bought Britax car seats ..
so that all for now...
Posted at 8:40 AM | Labels: baby, progress, shopping | 0 Comments
Antenatal Class
Last weekend went for an antenatal class.....organized by DEMC (Darul Ehsan Medical Centre) and Concorde Shah Alam, the event started about 8.30am and lasted until 5.30pm all food and beverages were provided.
In the morning the events are more on talks by the doctors of DEMC regarding what the steps and procedure also complication during pregnancy and delivery and post delivery......
We had a buffet lunch as usual my stomach always full my wife included,after lunch we were brief by the anmum representative on their products and the important nutrition contains in their the end of the presentation there were quizzes and both of us won a CD.
Then we proceed with physical activities such as exercise during pregnancy and also we were teach the breathing technique during the labor...of course its for moms...but as a dad we should know a bit right...
Last but not least we were brief on the important of breast feeding. Overall it was a good event full of information provided within the short period of time, I would suggest those first timer parents should go for the antenatal class once...
Lastly we won prize from lucky draw....what a good day...
Posted at 1:27 AM | Labels: antenatal, class, pregnancy | 2 Comments
Shopping Again
Today Jusco at One Utama had a J Card members started today and will end tomorrow.....we already planning earlier as i'm member of Jusco had received sms notification from Jusco...
We went to OU about 9.15am after i get back from working night shift...had breakfast at the new was so quiet there in the morning not as usual time when we go there....but when we arrived at the Jusco situated at the old wing people already started searching for stuff fortunately when early as no much people but by the time 10.30am it was already jammed pack with people..
First department we when of course to the kids and babies...when shopping for our coming newborn all the clothes,utilities and others stuff that is in the checklist my wife got from the net.
Once done when to survey jeans for me as most of my jeans had torn apart at the bottom...manage to get renoma jeans at a good wife also shops some stuff for her..manage to bought 2 Jean Perry memory pillow less than RM 200....
Total than we spend is about RM600+++ minus the pillow,my stuff and wifey...we spend about RM 250++ for our baby......yet there still more to buy.....last but not least went to redeem Jusco voucher,i received RM60 voucher we will save it to buy baby stuff in the future....
Posted at 4:52 AM | Labels: baby, Jusco, sale | 3 Comments
Petite Baby
Last 2 week went the usual check up with wife had her first tetanus shots...need to be by her side as she is afraid of getting needle shot....and last week had a details to saw my baby girl face the doctor said all ok..
She said my baby is quite a small size but not to worry when she came and had her nutrition her weight will be increase....up till now the progress are good..hopefully all will be well until the time for the delivery....
Posted at 8:42 AM | Labels: babies, progress, updated | 3 Comments
Good Condition
When for a routine check up check whether baby is in good condition and mumy is also good and healthy...
Up till now baby is in good condition growing and following the schedule...weight had increased to 800 grams mom weight also increased by 1 kilo....
Next week we will do another details scan to check baby face condition as last details scan baby was shy to show her face...hopefully the next details scan baby will show her these are the latest news of my wife pregnancy progress..
Posted at 6:58 AM | Labels: baby, pregnancy, updated | 5 Comments
Last Tuesday went for a check up for our baby check the progress of our seem baby progressing very well doctor still stick the due date at the end of April..
Unfortunately the sex of the baby was said that there is 60% chance baby girl...well for us it doesn't matter as long as the baby is will be going a details scan check up
So that it for now...
Posted at 8:42 PM | Labels: condition, pregnancy, progress | 3 Comments
Finally Shopping Time
Already starting to buy this for our baby....for this time we bought this that will consume our money a after long of planning and surveying this month we finally decided to by things for our baby....
So we bought three things stroller,baby cot and car seats....most of surveying done by my lovely wife...we stumble upon a shop on the net little whiz that offered good price and they had some sale of good here the product that we bought....
Posted at 4:26 AM | Labels: baby, products | 3 Comments