Counting Days

My heart is pounding very fast...every day day currently we are counting days for the 20th April we are to be ready and expected the sign of delivery is on the way...

Last check up Dr.Norleen had checked the passage and 1cm already open..the current weight of the baby based on data collected during scan is about 2.9kg...Hopefully when the days come it will be a joyful day for us as we welcome a new members in our accompany..

Hope the baby will be in good condition with the willing of Allah s.w.t



azimah fauzy said...

semoga dipermudahkan semuanya..
xlama dah tu kan..
xsabar nak tengok si kecik ;D

Fad & Ina 's Blog said...

Insyaallah dengan izin Nya...terima kasih...

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