Family Trip to Cameron Highlands

Last weekend me and my wife family went to family gateways to Cameron Highlands as that is the favorite place my wife like to that its among the place that had a cold and windy environment....previously...

This trip is a sat back and relax kind a trip,a trip of bonding among family members...its rainy season for our usual Malaysia are famous for its rainy season..fortunately rains only start after lunch hours...

Best part is finally my wife dream of having a holiday at cold places is fulfilled even though the trip is only in Malaysia...maybe in the future i can bring her to visit other countries outside Malaysia...

Especially places that have cold and windy weather as she likes that type of places...well that all for now...maybe next week i will be posting our baby progress as this weekend we will visit our check on our baby progress.....


Kelvin said...

Do u have pictures?

Malaysia Asia said...

Yes, pics please? :)

Malaysia Asia

Anonymous said...

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Fad & Ina 's Blog said...

sory guys...been bz...will upload the pictures...when got free time...sorry for making everybody waiting...

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