She's Growing

Just got back from Muar visiting my beloved wife and beautiful daughter...she's now very cute and growing,today in the morning the district nurse come to do the usual check up and today was the day where the nurse check her weight...

Alhamdulillah she gaining weight a good sign i pressume....her weight now 3.6kg a 0.4kg from previous weight check....

Already missing both of my love......

Learning to be A Father

Last week sent my wife to her hometown in Muar for her confinement..stay there for almost a week. During the whole week i started learning a few thing like changing diapers and make my daughter milk.

Now i know how hard my mom and dad raised me, as i already experience it on my own. I will do my best to be the best father i can be. This just the beginning there are more obstacles that me and wife will face in giving the best care we can to our daughter.

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